Martes, Oktubre 22, 2013

Blogpost #5: Cultural Perspective

 We are full of many culture about mysteries here in the Philippines that some of us knew. Culture can affect our lives because of some beliefs that we have to consider. I already discussed how Tikbalang be good and evil in their own way. So let's talk about our culture about the Tikbalang and how they will affect our beliefs.

According to the article entitled Monsters From My Youth written by Jon(his nickname) The Philippines has its own set of ghouls and goblins that torment the hearts, minds, and active imaginations of its citizens.  A couple of these Filipino mythical creatures are the Manananggal and the Tikbalang.

Many people in our country believes that aswangs really does exists than to those who don't believe. And most of them firmly believes that many aswangs are secluded in a place where there are less people. The perfect example for that is the provinces here in the Philippines such as Siquijor and Capiz. Aswangs have been a part of the Filipino culture and the Tikbalangs are one of them.

Our lives can't complete without these creature that sometimes scared us in our imagination. Our culture now changed, but it doesn't change our beliefs about these mythical creatures. I've searched this article entitled Fighting 'aswang' and taming 'tikbalang' written by Simon Louis Errol E. Torres. According to this article, Creatures like aswang, tikbalang, nuno sa punso, kapre, and manananggal. Life in the Philippines would not be complete without them. A typical Filipino childhood would be empty without threats from parents or housemaids about the wrath of these “hindi nakikita” (what can’t be seen). We wear various amulets and herbal thingamajigs to thwart “evil spirits”; we believe we’re not alone. There are far more stranger things out there, watching us, living a life that once in a while may bump into our own.

Filipinos are very curious about myths because we want some stories that  will not already prove by us. We want a  better explanations and research that can become the basis of existence by these creatures. But most of us can't do this observation and experiment because we are scared just like me. But with this opinions and stories we can imagine how they live and we determined what culture we have with Tikbalang. But like what I have said in my past blogs they are not true they are just a form of our wide imagination.

I can't forget this beliefs that my parents said to me when I was a child about the Tikbalang. Every time it happened I thought  about these creature and I talk to myself  and I say that  "Where are their venue for their wedding" I entertain myself like a crazy man and I say again   "I go there". They said to me that every time there is sunlight and when rain falls the Tikbalang getting married.

Tikbalang is important in our culture and it cannot remove to our minds even our generation changed and even our technologies evolved this is not the reason to forget our culture about them. Our beliefs is our golden treasure that we inherited to our ancestors. So we have to take care of this beliefs and keep this to our minds and spread to the next generation.

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