Miyerkules, Oktubre 16, 2013


Good is a global community of a people and organizations working towards individual and collective progress. Having good stuffs is a big achievement in all of us because they expect that we have a good personality and appearance. But in each of us, we know that we are also evil in nature. Evil is the quality of being morally bad or wrong; wickedness. This evilness can result of erroneous view by the other people to us. 
Kids caught my attention on this matter and I want to make them as my example. Kids now in this generation are very active and a fast learner in the field of technology. In the age of six, kids are already know how to use computers and they also know how to play online games. In a younger age, most of them influenced by their parents to say bad words and they also influenced by the other kids. Nowadays, kids are became lazy, lier, rude, disrespectful and sometimes became thief. I am wondering why these kids became an evil one and they will not focusing in their good behavior I think because of lack of guidance of their parents. 

According to this article entitled Child Behavior Problems: What’s Normal and What Isn’t written by Amy Morin, "Kids aren’t meant to be robots. As they grow and learn, they will test limits. Kids will break household rules just to see how you'll react. If they receive a negative consequence for breaking the rules, it should deter the behavior from happening over and over again." 

As the kids grows, they learn, and that is by exploring different kind of things. They don't think of what is good or bad in everything they do as long as they are having fun on what they are doing. Like watching TV, playing toys, eating different kind of foods, reading books, playing with the other kids and so on. At a very young age they extremely need guidance, and that guidance could only be get from their own parents. The parents could still take actions and mold their children to be a good individual as long as they are still kids. Because kids would be very willing to follow the adults because of their young minds, because they still don't have their own principle except to follow the people who are older than them especially their parents.   

This article I read talks about the good behavior of kids on how they help the environment in a simple way entitled How Kids Are Saving the Planet by Lori Brown. According to her , "Mary McLeod Bethune once said, “We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends.”

Mary McLeod and our very own Dr. Jose P. Rizal shares the same perspective about the youth. They have seen the potentials of the young ones. They both looked beyond the age of the youth. As a new starters in the race of life, the young ones have the most freshest ideas because of their young brains. And also, as they grow, there is learning, discovering and ideas flowing on their mind. As that kind of process happens on them, their minds mold. And as they grow older, they also enhances their own unique abilities, talent and skills which they could also contribute sooner or later in the community.

Good and Evil, I think are one of the natures of the creatures that God created. Even Tikbalangs can be good because one of their personalities is that they are friendly, they also called the guardians of forest. But they also had evilness hiding on their personality, they also has naughtiness hiding on themselves.  


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