Huwebes, Oktubre 17, 2013

Blogpost #4: Wicked Tikbalang!

I discussed in my third blog the good side where the Tikbalang has. We knew that they have a good part in their personality but don't be deceive by that part of their personality because they are also a creature that has a bad side that sometimes they can't control. I think the dark side of the Tikbalang is their nature because most of the stories and articles that I've read about them, they are very bad and naughty. 

Some writer that wrote about the Tikbalang believe that they are very bad and naughty because of the past stories that we inherited in our ancestors. Our ancestors is the source of this story about the Tikbalang.

According to this article entitled Tikbalang Mystery in the Philippines by CotopherThe origin of the Tikbalang started during the Spanish Colonization. It is a fact that horses were brought to the Philippines by the Spaniards. The conquistadors propagated the myth about the Tikbalang to scare the natives from going out at night.

Our ancestors get this information during the Spanish Colonization. This article said that horses aren't originally came here in the Philippines but they are brought only by the Spaniards here in the Philippines. So this story is not originally came here and the Spaniards take this story and they distributed this story to our beloved ancestors. Then our ancestors narrated it to us.

Another part of this article that says, Tikbalangs are said to lead travelers to astray. They play tricks on travelers such as they will return to the arbitrary path regardless on where they go. Another trick that they can do is that they can mimic the appearance, voice and the mannerisms of those who are close to the person journeying. The victim is tricked into following the Tikbalang until they get lost and sometimes never to be seen again.

We knew how naughty and bad they are. They are very strong to lead the travelers astray. I discovered that they also copy the voice, appearance and behavior of any one to confuse their victim. This part of their personality is sometimes we don't know because we are focusing only in their physical appearance to put in our minds that that they are very scary.

This article entitled Legendary Humanoids - Tikbalang, the Demon Horse written by Lon Strickler says that, It travels at night to rape female mortals who will then give birth to more Tikbalang. It is sometimes believed to be a transformation of an aborted fetus which has been sent to earth from limbo.

The very worst that they do is that, they get the virginity of a woman to give birth to more Tikbalang. The Tikbalang now can be a good and an evil one. It is depend to the story that we can make. Our story can make them good to the perception of the people and they can also be bad if we make them bad in the story that we make about them.

There are good and bad times, but our mood changes more often than our fortune.-Thomas Carlyle

Good and bad depend in our mood. If we are in good mood we can make a good things to others but if we are in bad mood we can do worst things that others can't accept. Like what I have said in my last blogs all of us has a good and bad side that we cannot remove because it is part of our personality. 

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