Martes, Nobyembre 26, 2013



A Research Paper Presented to
The English Resource Center
School of Accountancy and Business
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
ERESWRT – Research Writing

Keneth J. Cabucana
December 2013

Chapter 1

A.  Background of the Study

Mythical creatures, or Legendary creatures, has been found not only in the Philippines but also to the other country. They are noted all over the country to be freakish because of their behavior and physical appearance. Myths are old religions. Myths and legends have been around for thousands of years before writing was invented. The word "myth" comes from Greek elders. Legends are about people that have done something special or were famous. We don't know who started myths and legends, but research suggests that old men told their family and friends stories that  were handed down from generation to generation. The first person to write myths down on paper was a Greek named Homer. He wrote down the   stories that were told to the Greek people. In Rome, the people started making-up their own myths and legends about their own beliefs                    (  

Mythical creatures,is an animal whose life is accounted in non-historical or yet to be verified stories that sometime involve the supernatural. They are crop up in antique accounts of natural history.They are a monster renowned in folklore and myth. For thousands of years, mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns, and mermaids have roamed imaginations from China to Australia, Europe, the Americas and beyond. Delving into this world of fantastic creatures from the oceans, land, and air, Mythic Creatures answers questions about these creatures' origins, cultural importance, enduring hold on the human imagination, and the evolution of scientific understanding about the natural world. The exhibition uses a combination fossils, magnificent ancient and modern cultural objects, and absorbing multimedia and interactive technology to create an incredible experience that will enthrall visitors of all ages ( ).

Mythical creatures not just have only one category, but it have many different types such as: Divine Myths, Nature Myths, Afterlife myths, Cosmogony Myths, Prestige Myths, and Eschatologyl Myths. A myth explains something factual with a fictional story. The fictional story is the center of the myth, while the attempted explanation of some occurrence or thing is usually allegorical. Myths explain all kinds of natural phenomena, usually incorrectly. Many cultures have their own myths, even when science can explain what the myth is explaining (

Those different kinds of myths have also different roles and characteristics that we have already programmed in our mind. Divine myths involve a god or gods and goddesses. These myths are often set in a time and place apart from the modern world. Followers of some religions may consider divine myths to be sacred texts. Nature myths attempt to explain natural occurrences, such as weather and cosmology. In Greek mythology, some of the most powerful gods and goddesses were associated with the weather. Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, was also the god of thunder, lightning, clouds and rain. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Chinese had myths that involve the afterlife. Some involve rebirth and some describe a place that people go when they die. Cosmogony myths, otherwise known as creation or origin myths, describe the making of the world and universe. Prestige myths describe a hero, king, gods or a powerful city. One famous prestige myth is the Roman tale of Hercules, a demi-god (i.e., half god and half man) who possessed incredible strength. Eschatology myths are myths of the destruction of the world. Christian eschatology involves the rapture, tribulation and the end of days. Unlike Norse mythology, it does not involve the death of the divine ( These myths are part of our culture now because of their popularity in our today’s generation.

Tikbalang, a very common legendary creature here in the Philippines that has a body of a muscular man and a head of a horse. Their habitats are the forests and sometimes in a Balete Tree. This legendary creature gives us fear because of their physical appearance and behavior.  Tikbalang can cause to Children, teens or even adults widen their imagination because of its mysterious identity.

On the other hand, Tikbalang also influenced the media and other forms of literature. For instance, in the field of movie they created the Philippines’ first all-digital full-length animated feature film by Cutting Edge Productions, advertised as "tradigital", a mix of traditional animation with 3D animation entitled “Dayo:  Sa MundongElementalia” where the character of Tikbalang named NARSI is one of the main character. It also has a mixed story about myths.

The researcher therefore conclude, that it is  indeed a necessary study the effects of Tikbalang to individuals and to the society, so that we know about their impact to us as an individual. It will also unclasp the eyes of the society that Tikbalang should have its positive effects not only negative. By sequence order, this study first discuss the views of people about Tikbalang. Then, it will be followed by its positive and negative effects of Tikbalang.

Therefore, this study based on the data gathered, the researcher observed that Tikbalang Myth affects the society and individual. It will focus on the positive and negative effects of Tikbalang to individual and to the society.  

B.   Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:

1.   What are the effects of Tikbalang, a half man and half horse creature, to individuals and to the society?

C.  Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to meets the need of the following:

Children. This paper would be able to help the children what they want to know about the Legendary creatures particularly Tikbalang like the positive and negative effects of Tikbalang to us. In addition, the researcher hopes upon reading and analyzing this research paper they will understand and appreciate what would they get from this.

Parents.As the main guardian of the children, parents also benefit from this study because they would know what the effects of Tikbalang if they tell the story of this legendary creature to their child. Parents would be knowledgeable and they can easily observe their child’s emotion and feelings regarding to this legendary creature.

Students. The students have concerned about to this legendary creature because as what the researcher said this is very mysterious so that they want to have a reasonable knowledge about Tikbalang. Moreover, this research will help the students to be their basis if they plan to make an observation about this creature.

Future Researcher.Knowledge of this study would be veryhelpful and useful for future researchers for this research paper will serve as their basis to make similar studies especially since there still seems to be a need for legendary creatures studies such as Tikbalang. They develop their ideas concerning both negative and positive effects of Tikbalang to individuals and to the society. Furthermore, behind of many stories about legendary creatures such as Tikbalang lies important roles in the society and culture to share what they understand in this research paper; the researcher believes that if future studies would be made, utilizing this paper as a source of valuable data and information, there might be a change to their beliefs and personal perceptions about legendary creatures specially Tikbalang.

D.  Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the positive and negative effects of Tikbalang to individuals and to the society. This legendary creature has been considered since the Spanish came here in the Philippines and they tell this story to many Filipinos.

Due to time constraints, this study will no longer discuss other legendary and mythical creatures such as Divine Myths, Nature Myths, Afterlife myths, Cosmogony Myths, Prestige Myths, and Eschatologyl Myths. This is to give emphasis on what will be the perceptions and impact of this to us and to highlight Tikbalang as the major legendary creature known here in the Philippines due to many people use this as a one of the character. In addition, this research paper would focus more on the positive attributes of Tikbalang rather on its negative effects although both sides are still discussed. Besides, the researcher believes that Tikbalang has conform and influenced its interested researchers particularly students.

E.   Materials and Methods
          Legendary creatures get the attention of all Filipinos not just also a Filipino but all people all over the world. This studies base on the articles and other research that will satisfy and fit to this research paper. A lot of people think that Tikbalang are totally have bad effects to us, but the researcher wants to change the perception of all readers and researchers that Tikbalang are not only result into bad but also into a good effects to us. This paper would discuss both positive and negative effects legendary creatures specially the Tikbalang to individuals and to the society. The procedure to be used by the researcher is deep understanding and making conclusions of mysterious cases. This method is fit to this study since the researcher wants to prove that the Tikbalang has positive negative effects to individuals and to the society.

           The  Information that is relevant to this study was get from huge pile of sources such as blogs, dissertations and articles from different authors online. In considering these facts, it will undergo some comprehensive evaluation.
F.   Definition of Terms

To further understand the content of this research paper, here are some of the words you may encounter as you read this study:

Legendary.Relating to, or characteristic of legend or a legend

Creature. Something created either animate or inanimate.

Myth. Usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon.

Effects. Power to bring about a result, a distinctive impression.

Society. A part of a community that is a unit distinguishable by particular aims or standards of living or conduct: a social circle or a group of social circles having a clearly marked identity.

Mythology. A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.(